Questions for Monologuers
- Who are you talking to?
- Who does this person remind you of specifically?
- Why?
- Where is this happening?
- Are there other people around, overhearing this? What kind of private or public space are you in?
- When is it happening? What time constraints are facing you?
- What do you start off trying to accomplish by talking to this (person/people/self/etc.)
- What resistance are you facing?
- How will you know when you’re overcoming this resistance? How will you know when you are being successful here?
- What’s at stake here?
- What do you discover while talking?
- How does that change you?
- What has this person or other people said about the subject you’re dealing with here?
- What have other people in this play said about you (true or false) that give you an indication of how you deal with things?
- How would you describe how you are approaching this (person/people/self/etc.) at the top of the piece?
- How does this approach change as you make discoveries in the piece?
- Where exactly does that change occur? At what exact moment?
- What piece of music would put your character in the frame of mind to talk about all of this?
- If you were to create an analogy of this experience physically, an activity (bull fighting, rolling a rock up a hill, painting a picture, etc.) what would be analogous to this experience?
- What kind of experience does this remind you of in your own life?